Monday, February 26, 2007
PJ poopy not party
Problems: It's a small restauant and we are over staffed. 5 servers could have handled the crowd, we had 8. This means, that none of us get to leave, we are all here until late (4ish this time) and we are BORED. I had three tables. I sold 5 bottles:Grey Goose, Veuve, Ciroc, and Henny. My tips came out to 570 before tip out. I got there at four, worked the whole time, did my portion of the sidework plus and helped close. I made the most. We all split tips, so after we divey everything up, we each walked with 158. Sucks. If we didn't split, I would have walked with 438 dollars. I don't mind splitting, you can't always predict what sections will be good and what not, but the thing that really makes me mad, is that, people don't pull their weight. I worked hard and worked all night, but some people barely did anything, we had servers going to the bars next door durring the shift...while I am making them money. It's not fair, and it's really startign to bug me. I should have made 280 dollars more than I did. That's money I need too.
Wamp, Wamp. what it do? what it do?
Tomorrow I plan on going to eat for my restaurant review. I really can't decide on where to go, I know we are supposed to do an inexpensive option because we are college students and all. But I like going out to eat, I spend money going out to eat, and I think some people like me appreciate the experience of fine dining. So sorry to report, my meal will be costly. But where to go?...Either the restaurant I work at, Sangrias, small plates, somewhere else down town, somewhere in royal oak or birmingham, or i MAY go cheapo and do Nikki's downtown because of the story we read earlier on about it.
mmm...i'm not going to eat barely anything today or tomorrow so I can prepare myself for the tastes that are to come.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Warm, but not really.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Teamwork? Team What?
I work a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot. I probably complain about my job as much as I work there. I am a server in downtown Dearborn at a sushi bar/restaurant/bar/lounge. A lot of the clientel is upity or wannna be's, name droppers of local celebrities, too tan, too much make up, clothes that are ridiculously priced people. Or, they are at the complete other end of the spectrum. Either way, it's not fun. Our restaurant is attractive, the food is beyond fabulous, and fresh-fresh-fresh. We order from all over the world and our executive chef trained under Noubu. The people I work with are some of the greatest people I have ever met and plan on keeping relationships with them throughout the rest of my life.
I hate who I work for. I work for an executive chef who wears his emotions on his sleeve, he has unpredictable moods and likes to get involved in drama. My one manager and the owner are brothers. Disgusting, ridiculously stupid people. They consistently do things that are disrespectful and lack common sense, no matter how much you try and tell them how much they don't make sense. I will now give you some examples of what I have to deal with and the idiocy I have to endure while at work:
1.) I got told that I was burning the candles on the table to fast. (Like I can control the speed in which the candles burn?)
2.)We have a check fee and a pen fee taken out of our checks each week. ( I have to pay to use pens, which by the way, I haven't seen one yet, and I also pay to get my paycheck. Tell me how that makes sense?)
3.) We are forced to split tips. I am the second best server there and the hardest worker. I get a larger section, with bigger parties, do more sidework, and make more money, and I have to split with everyone else? I don't mind splitting if everyone pulls their own weight, but if i am pulling mine plus, that's not fair. For example, the other night I had 306 dollars before tip out, after we all split, I walked home with 125. How is that fair?
4.) We get charged for Miso soup if we want to eat it, when we give it away complimentary at lunch.
5.) My manager thought the tea was too dark, and I was wasting the tea, he asked me how many tablespoons I put in the filter, I replied two, and he took the filter out and measured it. He thinks we are spending too much money on the huge barrel of tea that we have. Yet, the owner comps (completely pays for) 700 or 800 dollar bills for his friends, desserts are given away, drinks payed for, multiple times a day to multiple people. Sometimes I think he is looking for a hangout rather than owning a successful business.
6.)We also now have a new policy, teamwork. Which mind you, we are all friends, and teamwork is a way of life at Crave anyways. Now, we have a person who soley pushes drinks, and approaches your table befor eyou get there to take their drink order. This is a horrid idea. There is no possible way that one person can reach every table that is sat, there just isn't enough time. Than, that person has to find out who really has that table and give them the drink order so we can ring it in, it confuses our tables, it confuses us. They don't know who their server is, I don't know what drinks they have and have to ask them when they want another one. Also, this person isn't taking any tables, they are making NO money that night. It ends up just making us short staffed one person, so now he wants to put another server on. The result is that there is one more person to split with, confusion, irritation. I just don't understand the mentality of these people. I could go on and on and on about the ridiculousness of this business, but at teh end of the day, I have friend sthere, It's close to home, and I make money, as much as I get ripped off, I still do for the most part. I'ts a trap you'll never escape.
My Plan
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Respect: A Musical Journey of Women.
For my mother's birthday I bought her tickets to see Respect, currently playing at the Gem Theater Downtown. We enter the theater, which to my surprise is very small, but absolutely adorable. We had front row tickets, and when i say front row, I mean FRONT. The play was amazing. I was so impressed. There was a cast of four women; a narrator, a cutsie mini-woman with a gorgeous voice, your average looking mommy, and a overly vulumptous, but extremely talented black woman. The black woman's voice was far beyond breathtaking, she sent chills down your spine, made you feel how she was feeling, I felt delusional. Music is empowering and so emotional, I was tangled between feelings of strength and power, dependency, love, hate, growth and courage. I've never loved my boyfriend more, hated him more. This play was so influencial and empowering. I learned things about the history of woman, the struggles they went through, the hardships they faced, a summary of each decade starting from the 1900's. I don't recomend anyone to see this play, I strongly insist that if you have the means, go see it, boy or girl, go see it.
Hallmark Holiday

Monday, February 12, 2007
Six songs that reflect my community.
1.) The Real Slim Shady by Eminem
-I remember in highschool how everyone wanted to be original but everyone always conformed. More so
the guys over girls, but inside the different cliques, most people looked the same, dressed
the same, talked the same, and acted the same as all of the other members of their group, there was very
little individuality.
2.) Rush the Floor by Massari
-I live in Dearborn and attended Edsel Ford, my best friend was Yemenee. I hung
out a lot in the East and South ends. Dearborn has a large arabic population, and Massari is a
talanted arabic singer we listened to a lot.
3.) I Just Want to Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy (redone by various dj's)
-This song came out a while back, but lately at the clubs downtown, dj's, especially my friend Tom T, has been
remixing this song in his own house style. I love his song, it gets the whole club to move in a wave, and I grew
up with kids who 'want to party all the time'
4.) We Are Family by Sister Sledge
-I have been employed at my current job for over a year now, my fellw coworkers are my family. It has been the
same six of us since I started there. We have all grown so close to each other. I've met some of the best people
that I think I ever will, and I plan on keeping most of these people in my life forever, like family, because at Crave,
we are family. We have to work together, and watch each other's backs there, and we do.
5.) Our House by Madness
-I think Dearborn is a very family oriented community. I think we have a good neighborhood with your typical
American family living in at least every other house.
6.) Spotligh by Dave Matthews Band
-The majority of this song could definately be talking about our good ol' Detroit city. "i see my dreams here
in the big city, sour dissapointment" "damn you, big city, black city rising up around me, steal my soul away" "a
million beating hearts behind brick and cold steel piping fighting for the top fighting for the room to breathe bench
parks sleepers lie cold blanket bedless babieshere this must stop i cannot stay"

Thursday, February 8, 2007

In Class we discussed Abu-Jamal and his essay Live from Death Row. The link above suggests that he had an unfair trial, that he wasn't even involved at all in the murder, that it was all sort of "made up" after he pressed police brutality charges. Live from Death Row illustrates a racist and inhumane setting for the 'dead waiting to die a second time'. Though his article is persuasive, and so is this link, where do they get the information from, and of course, how much bias is involved? Also, at the end of L.F.D.R. he throws in a last memory he has of his daughter, to try and bring sympathy, but what about the families of the police officers that were killed?
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

check out the cold
Friday, February 2, 2007
In the D