Monday, February 12, 2007
I was raised in a Catholic family, and on Sunday, February 11, 2007, my brother, Andrew, made his confirmation. In the Christian Catholic religion, a confirmation is made when he or she is old enough to make their own decision on whether or not they want to commit to a Christian way of life. First you are baptised (normally as a baby),next comes communion (around second grade), and your confirmation(aroun eighth grade), though none of these dates are concrete. When you make your confirmation you are confirming that you believe in the Father, the son, and the holy ghost and that you will continue to follow your religion in the way Jesus would want you to. Each candidate has a sponsor and my brother chose me to be his. There was a lot of preperation for this; homework, attending classes, even a powerpoint presentation! After months of work, preparing him for the step he decided to make, and learning more about his faith, we finally made it. After the ceremony at church, we headed back to my mother's house to have a family party, which we also combined with the neighbor kid who also made her confirmation. It was a really nice party and I am happy my brother chose me to be his sponsor. Plus it was nice to see the family all together other than on Christmas or Thanksgiving.

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