Saturday, January 13, 2007


I have always believed in Karma, but never have I experienced such imediate results. The other day, after we got off of work, me and my boyfriend were on our way to meet some friends downtown (again). We were parked at a red light on Pelham and Outer Drive. I looked to my right and there was a middle aged man standing there picking through the trash at the gas station. I felt so bad and I was actually in disbelief, that's something you see in downtown Detroit, not in Dearborn. We ended up pulling over and giving the man 20 dollars. He was so grateful, and that made me feel even worse. He looked like a dad, just going through a hard time, he was clean cut, just trying to make ends meet I guess (he was looking for cans mostly). When I handed him the twenty, he said to me, "God bless you. I hope you win the lottery."
Okay, so good deed done, we continue on our way downtown, and there's this area that goes from I think 70 to 55 mph, and we were talking, not paying attention, and he was going about five over anyways, so we ended up going 20 miles over the speed limit. We see a state cop, who you never get slack from, he put his lights on, pulled up to us, and then just motioned his hand for us to slow down, and drove off. I couldn't believe it, I have never seen Karma work so quickly.
We ended up meeting up with our friends, and had a good time, up until, both me and my girlfriend got drugged. It was horrible. So, in this case, karma confused me.

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