Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Some Brainstorming

I really hadn't had any idea of what I wanted to write about for our paper, and when I was chosen to go first, I blanked. But then right after my turn, my brain just started shooting out ideas.
the Core Value signs in all of the public schools
Fordson-even though Hisam wants that too
the Baltimore- family owned dive bar downtown
henry ford estates
I used to live, and am moving to a historical home in dearborn
the Civic center-how it beneftis the community
the dearborn fire station
kiernan's steakhouse-that has more community and personal significance
there was a huge fire in dearborn, that my grandpa actually helped put out, i forget where it was, but it was a huge issue, the place had a lot of importance to the city-i have to get more information on it though
ford motor company-the start, where it is now, the changes our whole city is going through because of it

I'd really like some feedback, on what seems like the best idea.

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