This is Kevin, Me, Joe (my uncles bf), My mom. Below is Jordan, and then my brother and sister. Sunday was Easter. I woke up and felt so bad for all the little kids who were going on Easter egg hunts; it was cold and snowy. Easter Sunday was my first holiday/family even that Mark didn't attend. I was nervous and invited my good friend Jordan to come over, he's funny
and I know he could entertain me. My

including both my mom's and dad's side of the family. Also, four of them weren't goign to make it. I skipped church, sorry, but wen't over at two to my mom's for visiting and food. I got an Easter basket with candy, flip flops, socks, two pj shorts, $25, and left overs to take home! Yay! I actually had a good day and later that night my friend Dave from work picked me up and went to see Blades of Glory. It was a good movie, not as funny as I had thought it would be, but still, it leaves you in a good mood. All in all it was a happy Easter sunday.

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