Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I <3 commercials
I was just thinking about it and i love commercials. I don't like cheapo ones that are homemade, but I love clever ones. I love the Geicco Cavemen commercials. I love the berries and cream commercial for starburst berries and cream. That one is halarious. The phone commercials are pretty good too. I really enjoy the one that is two friends and the one friend says, "Best friends don't put their best friends girlfriends on their top five, and they definately don't give them foot massages." The other guy goes, "Dude, you're being totally paranoid." And then his phone rings and the song is, "secret lover..."
Lights on or lights off

Summer is steadily approaching. The weather playfully teases us as we switch from shorts and t-shirts to pants and sweatshirts. School gets out, people get out. I also get bored with myself pretty easily. I am contemplating going back to blonde. Naturally, my hair is a light blonde, but I died it brown because I got bored. Now I want to go back, but the problem is it's going to cost a lot of money. I also can't decide on what salon to go to. I don't want to spend that much, but I don't want to go to a cheap salon and have it not turn out right. It will damage my hair really bad and I can't afford to keep doing it. Also, I get different opinions on if I look better with blonde or brunette hair.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Egg Day

This is Kevin, Me, Joe (my uncles bf), My mom. Below is Jordan, and then my brother and sister. Sunday was Easter. I woke up and felt so bad for all the little kids who were going on Easter egg hunts; it was cold and snowy. Easter Sunday was my first holiday/family even that Mark didn't attend. I was nervous and invited my good friend Jordan to come over, he's funny
and I know he could entertain me. My

including both my mom's and dad's side of the family. Also, four of them weren't goign to make it. I skipped church, sorry, but wen't over at two to my mom's for visiting and food. I got an Easter basket with candy, flip flops, socks, two pj shorts, $25, and left overs to take home! Yay! I actually had a good day and later that night my friend Dave from work picked me up and went to see Blades of Glory. It was a good movie, not as funny as I had thought it would be, but still, it leaves you in a good mood. All in all it was a happy Easter sunday.

Friday night was Mark Fisher's (the guys in pink) birthday celebration in Canada. I really didn't feel like going, but I had made a promise and had to keep it. He just turned 19. My roommate Bridget also wanted to go out, and she never does, so I felt like it was an opportunity I had to take to show her some fun. We end up going there, I end up having to drive (not cool, I definately didn't want to), and we take Mark and his friend Greg in the car with us.
There was a Columbian man there who would not leave me alone. I have never met a more persistant man, especially after getting shot down time, after time, after time. He was nice enough and handsome, but for some reason I was mean to him. He kept asking me to dance, and I lied to him about my name, I told him he would have to go impress me on the dance floor before I would agree to dance with him, and if I liked how he danced, I just might come over there. I would walk away from him,and he wouldstill come back. I don't know why I was acting like this. I just wasn't interested, I won't be interested in anyone for a long time because of Mark, but also, this guy was just too available, too easy. Eventually, I got annoyed and just decided to ignore him. He then sat down next to Bridget and I and was shoving a table into our chairs so that we would look at him. Honestly. Okay, night's over, I haven't had a drink in a while, I'm driving. Greg is drunk, very obnoxiously drunk. I already don't like him sober...double don't like him drunk. He can't find his ID, he isn't even looking for it, he is answering his phone and ignoring me. We are about to cross the border, I just want to get home, I end up getting in a HUGE argument with this kid, I was about to leave him on the side of 75, no guilt. I drop them off and go home. Finally the night is over.
Now this is where the problem is. This kid Mark was super nice to me when me and my old Mark broke up, a friend when he definately didn't have to be, and I really appreciate it that he was there for me. He is obsessive now. I really don't think he likes me in a crush-like way, but he will not leave me alone. He wants to be my bestest friend and calls me all day every day, and if I don't answer, he texts until I do. I don't know what to say to him. I am the type of person who values my alone time and with school and work I just need time for myself right now, to get myself back together and to focus on what I need to focus on. I am not saying I don't want to be his friend, but honestly I can't take it. how do you tell someone to leave you alone without hurting their feelings?
Free Furniture
My mom is a real estate agent. I was looking to buy patio furniture. My mom got a house that she was in charge of cleaning out. Just by chance there was brown wicker furniture left there! Honestly it's about a thousand dollars worth of furniture; three chairs, two tables, and a love seat, and a baker's rack, all for free!! I am so excited that my backyard is coming's where I spend my whole summer.

He came home really early and stayed the night,he practically lived at my house since I moved out of his. After that, for the next two weeks, I think we stayed with each other twice. He then decided to go to Chicago, when he came home we broke up. He said he is moving and decided to go to Arizona State University. I lost it. Everything that I have done for the past year, every piece of clothing I have bought, the bed I bought, how I act, where I go, what I do, I have done for him in some way. I have never cared for someone before like I do him. He was my boyfriend and my best friend and I lost both in one day.
I didn't go to work, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop crying. It seems like I was being an overly emotional and dramatic girl, but all this came to me unexpected. I felt lost and betrayed and confused and hurt. I didn't want to accept it and it was completely out of my control. I completely put a stop on my life and broke down for 5 days.
I didn't go to work, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop crying. It seems like I was being an overly emotional and dramatic girl, but all this came to me unexpected. I felt lost and betrayed and confused and hurt. I didn't want to accept it and it was completely out of my control. I completely put a stop on my life and broke down for 5 days.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Today was beautiful....NOT
So the weather was gorgeous earlier and I could barely contain myself with the excitement I had for the remainder of the day. I went to ACO and purchased a porch swing that has the same idea as a futon. It is the highlight of the year to me. It was on sale for $99.00! I called my friend from work with a pick up and he brought it to my house. My roommate and I successfully put most of it together, but I am tired, we hit a wall in the directions, and gave up for today. We did however make it to step 8 and there are only 11. So, so far we are doing good. Tomorrow I have to try and finish it between school and work. Hopefully it will be done and I will be able to swing when I get home. Yay!!
My favorite thing to do in the summer is swing, read, nap, and repeat.
My favorite thing to do in the summer is swing, read, nap, and repeat.
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