I really enjoyed reading Leonard Kriegel's story. I thought it was very well written and had a different perspective of an overlooked issue. His writing included great vivid imagery. My favorite sentence is, "At the core of graffitit's spread lurks teh dangerously romantic notion that the city is a place of such overwhelming evil that it must be torn apart, savaged into it's own death, it's residents given a "voice" in the irrational hope that in this way it's more urbane voices will be stilled." I like the point he adressed about graffiti not being dangerous, but that it represents all of the city's problems. I also liked how he said he would run down to the park with his friends carefree, but alone, the graffiti transformed into a monsterous and fearful decor of ruins. This photo reminds me of something that could appear harmless in the daylight with friends, but really eerie alone in the dark.
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